Terminalizm is a contemporary art movement, implemented by the group of designers calling themselves Terminalists.
Terminalizm is a rhythm, consistent repetition by several authors of a single term, which is a simple graphic form, framed by certain rules. Terminalizm is the concentration of attention, training of conscious, aestheticization of rhythm and respect to all participants of the collective work. Terminalizm unites people in cooperation and honor to each other. The goal of terminalist is perfection of the mastery during the collective work and respect to the work of previous author. The task is the maximum concentration on creating a rhythm.
Terminalizm demonstrates how to be equal among equals. People are the same and must respect actions of each other, be tolerant and feel goodness of the cooperation.
EVENTS. 2017-18
Terminalizm beer presentation. Top Hops bar. 30112017
TERMINALIZM. VK Fest. Park of the 300th Anniversary of St.Petersburg. vk.com/terminalizm